The Borden Special, Part 1:

A Great Fly for Sea-run Cutthroat Trout

A Pacific Northwest Treasure

The Borden Special The Borden Special
(designed by Bob Borden)

The Borden Special is a fly developed by Bob Borden for sea-run cutthroat.

The sea-run cutthroat trout is a marvelous fly-rod fish well-known to anglers in the Pacific Northwest but little-known elsewhere.

That seems strange since the steelhead—another Pacific trout that runs to saltwater—is familiar to fly fishers in Colorado, Saskatchewan, Texas, Kansas, and most anywhere in North America, regardless of how far these places may be from the steelhead's domain.

Perhaps the sea-run cutthroat's reputation remains small because the fish itself is small when compared with the steelhead and all the Pacific salmons. Perhaps it is because the sea-run is so unpredictable that only a relatively small number of fly fishers seriously seek him.

In any case, what really matters here is that the sea-run cutthroat is worth seeking, and that it is often caught on Bob Borden's wet-fly.

A Traditional Wet-Fly Style in the Pink Sea-Runs Love

It's a fine fly for sea-runs(as they are often called). It follows the traditional wet-fly styling so well-established for sea-runs, and its body is pink—a color which I believe sea-runs love—with a bright tinsel rib to make it conspicuous.

When and Where to Fish this Fly

Fish it in rivers in the slow water sea-runs prefer, late summer to fall. Swim it steadily just under the surface, and if you are lucky enough to find them, the sea-runs will almost certainly take your fly.

To learn how to tie this popular fly, go to the link below to part 2 of this article, the B. Special, Tying Steps.

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Skip has an essay in Big Sky Journal's annual Fly Fishing issue, called "Montana Hoppers: the Princess and the Brute" released February 1, 2023. Skip rewrote it a bit; I painted and illustrated it here, on our website. Here's the link on our web page to check it out:

Click here to read Skip's essay Montana Hoppers: The Princess and the Brute...

Skip's latest books:

Top 12 Dry Flies for Trout Streams: How, When, and Where to Fish Them, is now available on Amazon as an ebook...check it out! Click on the links below to go to the information page on Top 12 Dry Flies (the link to Amazon is at the bottom of the page...)

Click here to get more information about

Top 12 Dry Flies for Trout Streams: How, When, and Where to Fish Them (the link to Amazon is at the bottom of the page)...

Top 12 Nymphs for Trout Streams: How, When, and Where to Fish Them, 2nd Edition, originally published as an e-book only, is now available on Amazon as a paperback...check it out! Click on the links below to go to the information page on Top 12 Nymphs (the link to Amazon is at the bottom of the page...)

Click here to get more information about

Top 12 Nymphs for Trout Streams: How, When, and Where to Fish Them (2nd Edition). . .

Click here to get more information about Skip's e-book,

500 Trout Streams...

Skip's latest paperback book:

Click here to get more information about Skip's latest book,

365 Tips for Trout, Bass, and Panfish...

Print Skip's chart for FREE:

Skip Morris's Trout-Fly Proportion Chart

Go to Skip Morris's Trout Fly Proportion Chart

Skip's Predator is available to buy...

Skip's ultra-popular Predator—a hit fly for bluegills and other panfishes and largemouth bass (also catches smallmouth bass and trout)—is being tied commercially by the Solitude Fly Company.

Skip Morris's Predator

The Predator

CLICK HERE to learn more about or to purchase the Predator...

Learn to Tie Skip's Predator

Do you want to tie the Predator?

Skip Morris's Predator

Tying the Predator

Skip shows you how to tie it on his YouTube Channel link, listed below:

CLICK HERE to see Skip's detailed video on how to tie the Predator...